TechArt is a contest where artists create artwork that is inspired by technology.
The artwork should resonate based on its creativity,
innovation, and how well it incorporates technology.
Your artwork can be Digital Painting that incorporates elements of technology,
such as futuristic landscapes or Cyborg Characters.
●A drawing of sculptures made from electronic components or recycled technology materials.
●A realistic photography sketch that explores the relationship between humans and technology,
capturing moments of technological advancement or the impact of technology on society.
●A sketch of installations that use light, sound, and
interactive elements to explore technological themes.
●A hypothetical sketch inspired by automobiles or gadgets.
This is a social media contest. The winner is decided through the number of likes.
Draw the art that falls under the above guidelines.
Submit your art to us. We post it on our Social Media page.
The Art with more likes will be the winner.


🎨 Digital paintings that incorporate elements of technology,
such as futuristic landscapes or cyborg characters.
🖌️ A drawing of Sculptures made from electronic components or recycled technology materials.
📷 A realistic Photography sketch that explores the relationship between humans and technology,
capturing moments of technological advancement or the impact of technology on society.
💡A sketch of Installations that use light, sound, and interactive elements
to explore technological themes and engage viewers.
🏎️ A hypothetical sketch ispired from automobiles or gadges.
